Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Palin's Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter was set in the late 1800's in Puritan America. And though I haven't refreshed myself with Hawthorne's novel since high school, I couldn't help but think of it this morning while listening to the mainstream moron media's* coverage of Gov. Sarah Palin. The coverage has been bugging me very much. And why?

Is it because the media would rather focus on Palin being the mother of a daughter who got pregnant at the age of 17 and intends to keep the baby and marry the father? Maybe scandalous in 1850 Puritan America. But now? Many families the modern world over have dealt with this issue and it's how they handle it that will determine whether it turns into a personal triumph or a family disaster.

So instead of covering the facts that underlie the real issues of this campaign, I have to continue to listen to the "scandal" of Bristol Palin. Listen up, media people: Please cover the facts and stories of the important issues of today, i.e., becoming independent of foreign oil, having executive experience, and having the judgment and integrity to act in America's interests. As a proven reformer in her own party, Gov. Palin seems to offer Americans many positive attributes, regardless of political stripe. And as a female candidate in a very important political race, she shouldn't have to wear a scarlett letter around her neck.

So why is the media running over itself trying to choke her with a scarlet letter? Is the media's message that Gov. Palin does not set a good example because she is busy running the state of Alaska instead of supervising her almost-adult age daughter every waking minute? Really?!? Is the message that she's shown poor judgment in raising at least one of her children? Since when is that a political issue when the race involves supporting the leader of the free world? I really don't get it. As many families who have had to face teenage pregnancy know, you teach your children the best that you can. But in the end, children sometimes make decisions that will impact their lives irrevocably and following them around every minute of the day is not only ridiculous but probably a futile way to prevent it.

So my question remains, why is a teen pregnancy trumping media coverage that could be put to better use??? I give up. Maybe I should revisit Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter to familiarize myself with the proper manners and mores of 1850's Puritan America.

*Thanks to Tony Blankley for the term.

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